Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shamanic drumming


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A good friend of ours sent us an article recently. It quite succinctly states much of what Pagan Sounds believes to be true about drumming and drum circles.

The only thing we'd add to it would be..."Check out our website so you can purchase your drum and head to a local drum circle. That website address again is"

This article is originally by Michael Drake , Copyright 2008. You can view the
entire piece at

 "Drum fever is sweeping the country as people discover the physical,
psychological and spiritual rewards ... even for those who can't read a
note of music," wrote Claudia Ricci recently in the New York Times. All
over America, people of all ages are taking up drumming in astounding
numbers. At a grass roots level, small drumming circles are gathering in
communities all across the country. Since there are no prerequisites to
drumming, anyone can join in and explore rhythms with hands and
drumsticks as an exhilarating way of communing. While some drumming
circles are content to jam and make a lot of rhythmic noise, others
prefer to explore intricate patterns of rhythm, and still others gather
for shamanic drumming.

Shamanic drumming is a time-honored method of healing and helping others.
Shamanic drumming circles provide the opportunity for people of like mind
to unite for the attainment of a shared objective. There is power in
drumming alone, but that power recombines and multiplies on many
simultaneous levels in a group of drummers. The drums draw individual
energies together, unifying them into a consolidated force. Synchronized
drumming is the most effective, so individuals should alternate the
responsibility of setting the tempo and leading the group."

Happy Drumming...

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